Detroit Eats

Musings of A Detroit Based Food Fanatic

Chef Ed Schenk

with 6 comments

Food brings people together. Some of my earliest memories come from the kitchen. On Friday’s it was always fried fish, breaded and golden brown. Dad was always in charge of the grill. He made an amazing chuck steak (no prime rib or filet in my house!). To go along with all this we had a garden. I remember corn on the cob, watermelon, cucumber and tomatoes. The one constant was family and friends.

     As I got older my interest in food grew. I remember late night kitchen raids where anything in the refrigerator was fair game. Leftover chicken, salami and cheese became an antipasti plate. English muffin pizzas were always a treat. Gradually my interest became so much of a passion I decided to make it my life’s work.

     My first real professional experiences were at the New York Restaurant School. This set a high standard for me. I learned quantity cooking, baking, restaurant management and butchering. Later I moved to Michigan where I would continue my education at Macomb Community College (culinary arts program) and begin working in restaurants. I still work in the business.

     What do I like to cook/eat? It depends on several things. Aside from professional obligations it depends on my mood. I currently on an Asian kick. I’ve worked my way through Japanese, Chinese, Korean Thai and Vietnamese. Some of my best experiences? The Laotian grocery store on Detroit’s east side.They had little stuffed rice paper rolls with dipping sauce, Green papaya salad (defiantly an acquired taste), and curry noodles. Also, the bahn mi sandwich at Que Hong Restaurant in Madison Heights. There are others that I will focus on in my regular blog posts.

     Summertime demands grilling and I use my grill almost every night. Chicken, fish, ribs and beef are all fair game (corn on the cob and grilled lettuce too). In winter I love to make up a pot of chili or chicken and sausage gumbo.  

     What do I hope to accomplish with this blog? I hope to bring attention to great food. This could be a great restaurant you never went to or that little grocery you meant to visit but just didn’t have the time.

     Want to know how to cook something, write me about it. I would be happy to share (You can share too. Send recipes and photos for inclusion)

     In the end it’s all about the food, the people and the culture that exists for all of us. Let it bring us together. Bon Apetit!

Chef Ed Schenk

Written by Ed Schenk

January 13, 2010 at 10:53 pm

6 Responses

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  1. Well, goll-lee! i had no idea ~ just thought you wuz a Blues Cat! Verrrry kool!

    Elayne Sikelianos

    September 20, 2015 at 1:57 am

  2. Hi Chef Ed , My name is William Evans and I have been cooking for some 10 years But, Now I’m disable in my old years
    I’m 65 now and I’m thinking about opening up a soup and sandwich shop just a small one with about maybe five different
    kinds of soups and some fat free sandwiches You know, Something health and quick. A in & out soup shop. And I’m open for sugestion

    William Evans (Duke )

    June 19, 2011 at 11:50 am

  3. When you ask, “Some of my best experiences? The Laotian grocery store on Detroit’s east side.They had little stuffed rice paper rolls with dipping sauce,”

    – I love doing that kind of thing. Walking into a market where I’m completely out of my element and learning something new.

    Cool website.


    March 1, 2010 at 9:31 am

  4. […] I have always written recipes and was intrigued by Blogging as an outlet for my passion for food. I made a commitment and the result is what you see on my page Detroit Eats. You can also learn more about me at More about Chef Ed. […]

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