Detroit Eats

Musings of A Detroit Based Food Fanatic

Archive for the ‘food destinaltion’ Category

Just Poking around in my Yard

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      It’s been quite some time since I have last posted. Not much has changed in my life. I still work too hard, too long and too much. I am not sure if it is a blessing or a curse but it sustains me.

     I have always considered myself a “casual” gardener. To me this means that I plant it, if it grows great, if it doesn’t no biggie.

     I decided to take a walk in the yard this morning as a measure of relaxation.Just to see what was growing. I was pleasantly surprised.

     Years ago, when I first moved into my house, I planted oregano. Now 20 years later It still grows!! I use it in marinades for steak and chicken. The neighbors must think I am crazy as they watch me pick what some have described as “lawn clippings”. If they only new!!!


I love fresh dill in the spring. It is mandatory for my new potato salad. I was happy to find that it still grows,wild, all around my yard.


Something I can’t take credit for is the mint that grows in the yard it was here when I moved in.


Last, but not least, I got a gift this year (courtesy of the birds I think). A wild raspberry bush popped up this year along the fence line. I am planning on making good use of these.

raspberry 2

I found all of this in my tiny (yes tiny ) yard. Take a walk let me know what is growing in your yard!

Written by Ed Schenk

July 1, 2011 at 11:11 am

Thoughts of Ocracoke Island

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IM_A0008                                                                        The neighborhood

   It’s been a long time since my last post. I apologize. I am feeling it’s time to get back to my second passion,writing!.

     Since my last post I was able to make a trip back to my second home (Ocracoke Island N.C.). To those not  acquainted this is a barrier island on the outer banks of North Carolina where I spent vacations as a child and have visited each year for the last decade. While we have  always rented a house (my buddy and 
I). The last couple of time I chose to come down to the island early. The house we rented would not be available until Sunday but I chose to leave Thursday afternoon. Fifteen hour in the car later I Caught the ferry leaving the workaday world behind.

 ferry pic

While I am not, generally, a rustic person I have camped on the island,a couple of days, for the last 2 years.

P1010152 IM_A0056 P1010150

          Home for a couple of days                                     The View from the backyard                              Bluefin


This last year I found myself hanging out at the campground feeling hungry and called a takeout order in to ( what I believe is) the only Thai restaurant on the outer banks. My thought process was that the seafood would be absolutely fresh as almost everything served on the island comes from day boats. I chose the Penang Curry with shrimp. It was everything I expected. Sweet and spicy with the freshest shrimp available and served over rice. I decided that I would have to recreate the dish when I got back to Detroit.


                                                         Trying to catch Dinner! Me (left) and Steve(right)(2004)

     I had most of the ingredients I need to reinvent this dish. I always have Pankow Breadcrumbs and and have had Java Curry Cubes in my freezer for some time. The plan is to bread the chicken in Pankow and Coconut and serve it with a Penang Curry Sauce over stir fried Rice Noodles.



Coconut Crusted Chicken with Stir Fried Rice Noodles in a Penang Curry Sauce

Serves 2

  • 2 4 oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
  • 1/2 cup Pankow Breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 Cup Shredded Coconut
  • 1 egg + 1 cup Milk (or water)
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup Rice Noodles (wide)
  • 1 can Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 Square Java Curry Paste (available in Asian groceries)
  • 1/2 cup Bean Sprout
  • 1/2 cup peanuts
  • 1/2 cup Cilantro (freshly Chopped)
  • vegetable oil
  1. Combine Coconut and Panko and reserve
  2. Wisk milk/water with flour to create a batter.
  3. Dip Chicken in the batter (draining excess) and dredge in the Coconut/Panko blend using the standard breading procedure rules ( in an earlier post)
  4. Set  aside for at least 10 minute so the Breading will set.
  5. In a separate pan combine the Coconut Milk with the Curry paste. Bring to a boil and wisk until combines. Keep warm for service.
  6. Cook Rice noodles according to direction and shock (stop cooking )in cold water.
  7. Fry/Sauté breaded chicken in vegetable oil until a golden brown color is achieved. Finish in a 350 degree oven until internal temp is 165 degrees.
  8. Stir fry Rice noodles.bean sprouts and peanuts in a little of the vegetable oil until warm.
  9. Add1/4  of the curry/coconut mix and toss. Add cilantro and toss again.
  10. Place a portion of the rice Noodles on a plate and arrange slice chicken around it.
  11. Drizzle with remaining sauce.

Notes Food:

  • Panko is readily available in most supermarkets.
  • The Java Curry paste I used was from a Japanese grocery. It works well with this application. A Red or Green Curry sauce might not work as well in this S.E. Asian preparation.
  • The egg/milk/ flour combo is a Japanese take on Standard Breading Procedure. By creating a batter they eliminate a step.

Notes: Ocracoke Island

  • Ocracoke Island has it’s own dialect which, if you listen carefully, you will hear spoken by the Island residents! It’s been in use since the island was settled in the 1700’s.
  • Hoi Toide = High Tide

    feesh= fish

    Dim witter= dumb ***

  • Until the 1960’s wild ponies had the run of the island and the local boy scout troop were the only “mounted” unit of the Boy Scouts due to the fact that they captured and trained the wild ponies. Due to progress they have since been corralled and remain an Island feature.
  • If visiting don’t miss picking up a jar of the local fig preserves. Figs grow wild on the island but also look for the Apple trees which have been growing on the island for hundreds of years. In recent years I have found Prickly Pear Cactus growing as well.
  • I also recently found, what I think is, the worlds largest rosemary plant growing there. It was in somebody’s front yard!
  • In addition to being a fisherman’s paradise there is also clamming and crabbing available.

Written by Ed Schenk

February 5, 2011 at 9:07 am

No… I haven’t gotten lost!!!/ Rib eye Steak with Grilled Romaine

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      In my last post I alluded to my new position.I wanted bring you up to date with my current status. I am currently in Grand Rapids Michigan. I am living on-site and ( doing what I do) creating/implementing first rate dining services programs. I do return to my house in Detroit weekly.

        For the last 2 weeks I have enjoyed the  Downtown Blues Festival in Grand Rapids Little Ed was the first week and Duke Robilard  appeared last week. This week it was Janiva Magness.

janiva magness

     Last week we had our first Al Fresco Dining  event and it went very well. We had literally twice our usual number participants joined us.We will be doing this weekly as long as the weather allows. Our resident  love what we are doing!! We have a wonderful Chef Manager who has a great relationship with our residents.

      I am taking a day off but wanted to stay in  touch

     Michigan has great small cities. Lansing, Ann Arbor, Flint and Grand Rapids  each host an  variety of cultural  events.



My favorite meals lately has been steak with grilled romaine lettuce. I top the lettuce with an herb vinaigrette ( herbs from my garden) and Maytag Blue Cheese, as well as marinating the steak in fresh  herbs from my garden. I am fortunate to have a butcher shop in my neighborhood and they will cut steaks to my specifications.  I prefer to have my steaks cut to about 2 # and grill/roast when cooking.




The Romaine lettuce I drizzle with the vinaigrette after I have topped it with the cheese  and slice the steak thin.

steak on the grill steak1 steak on the grill 2

  The results are spectacular!!!

Written by Ed Schenk

June 26, 2010 at 8:48 am

Honeybee Market

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Honeybee meat counter (2)    

Every community has anchors. These are businesses that, in spite of economic difficulties stay the course due to the ties they have to their communities. In Mexicantown Honeybee market is one such anchor.

     Started by Geraldo Alfaro in 1956 and passed on to third generation family,  Honeybee  is also call “La Colmena” which means “the hive where the bees gather”.

    In a city devoid of major supermarket chains Honeybee has quietly grown from a neighborhood grocery and bodega to become a major food destination, not only for local residents, but for suburbanites, too. In addition to a fully stocked meat and seafood counter Honeybee has a hot foods counter with Mexican specialties. Honeybee also has a great produce section carrying the freshest produce in the city. In addition to the basics Honeybee carries the freshest chilies(I counted 7 varieties), Cactus, Tomatillos, Chayote, Guava…well I could go on and on.

     When you enter Honeybee you are greeted by samples. Freshly made salsas and guacamole are offered along with crisp tortilla chips to entice you. Ever wonder about that fruit and if its really ripe?  No problem! I found many produce items with a sample cut open so you could see what was inside the skin. Freshness never seemed better!

     In the seafood counter was shrimp, fresh fish and octopus for the asking and all cuts of meat, as well as, regional specialties such as tripe and tongue. The prices were on par, if not better than, any supermarket in the suburbs.

     I mentioned the hot foods counter earlier. When I stopped by there was quite a line. Tacos, Tamales, Barbacoa (BBQ) were on the menu. On Saturday and Sunday the have a specialty that I think is unique to Honeybee. Although it is a Latin American specialty I don’t believe steamed cow’s head is offered any place else in Detroit. If you don’t believe me watch the travel channel to hear how good the meat from the head can be. Anthony (Bourdain) and Andrew (Zimmern) will tell you!!

Honeybee Market is open Monday through Saturday (8 AM – 8 PM) and Sunday (8AM-6 PM)

Honeybee Market – La Colmena

2443 Bagley

Detroit, Mi 48216


Honeybee Market Website

Written by Ed Schenk

January 27, 2010 at 11:28 pm